Modern relations. Degradation or development?
Oleg Bokachov 14.07.2020


According to statistics, the divorce rates in the modern Western world reach about 60 – 70%. This data, however, does not include numerous attempts of young people to live together long before they decide to register their relationship. It also ignores the currently existing general tendency to enter relationships without initially having the intention of ever registering them.

According to specialists in social spheres — psychologists, consultants, doctors, lawyers — the problem of divorce has reached the scale of a social epidemic (from the ancient Greek epi — upon, demos — the people), in fact, becoming a social disease, progressing in time and space, affecting almost all countries of the Western world and rapidly spreading to the East.

Our observations also suggest that the divorce rate is rapidly approaching 100%. Any statistics show a certain trend. Any trend has a cause, which can represent a problem, and it might be better to know about it in advance as well as possible ways to solve it. We believe that a separation that does not lead to surge in the individual development can both be a sign and a reason for the degradation of an individual, a community and the society as a whole. That is, we consider divorce a problem.

It is necessary to know about the existence of this problem and to take it into account, first of all, for those who would like to build strong and lasting relationships, i.e. for those who understand and are deeply convinced that the relationship between a man and a woman should be the basis for mutual development —  something more than just getting numerous experiences for their own sake.

So, the actual situation with divorces gives reason to assert that it is no longer a matter of chance, but of a pattern. Its regularity suggests that when building relationships, couples fall under the impact of a certain principle, by following which — whether consciously or not —  they naturally come to the same result.

For clarity, one could take an example from urban planning: if most of the houses in a city are subject to rapid destruction, despite the fact that city planners had the goal of erecting buildings that last for centuries, it is obvious that during construction they were guided by a principle that did not correspond to their declared purpose. Likewise, if families quickly fall apart, the question arises whether the couples really followed a principle consistent with the stated purpose of their union.

In fact, for every reader, this means that if we ourselves or our grown-up children begin to build a family without realizing the principle that governs it, and without making proactive efforts in the right direction, then naturally — with almost 100% certainty — our families or our life together are doomed to disintegration. At the same time, we see no reason to even assume that such a situation will not repeat itself over and over again.

Based on all of the above, we can formulate the following questions:

  • Does the divorce situation is evidence of degradation or development in the society?
  • If this is a tendency towards degradation, then what is the most important thing, holding onto which, we can build an evolutionary type of relationship and by our example cultivate a positive trend around us, whatever the general social situation may be?


In any study, we must, first of all, identify and characterize the principle from which the rest of the considerations will be derived, the subsequent postulates and conclusions will be built with a clear connection established between them, which will help to form the final understanding. The principle of relationships is the most important and primary pillar that you can hold on to when interacting with another person, so that relationships naturally develop harmoniously and in accordance with their objective.

We call a family sexual relations between a man and a woman with their cohabitation, even if they are registered neither in the state or in any other register.

We will use the term “essences” for all axiomatic and / or primary dimensional premises or phenomena, that were identified using the Universal LiveDevice Matrix (UM-LD) and utilized for subsequent conclusions.

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