Raja Yoga and LiveDevice
Oleg Bokachov 13.03.2020

4. Due to the naturalness of LD-matrix levels and its division into different measuring scales, we can not only identify the misinterpretations of AY, but also distinguish an insufficient level of AY practice in general.

For example, if the range of eight limbs of AY is shifted down the LD-matrix by three functional levels, that is, one step down on LD-4 so that yama begins not in the Fire, but in the Water environment, we will get an illusory practice, where samadhi will become just an internal visual image — an illusion. This is a very common misconception, unknowingly promoted by semi-knowledgeable yoga instructors who teach meditation on images only.

It is interesting to note how other practices also get distorted in this case. For example, niyama becomes formal, “stereotyped” and does not involve willpower, and when performing pratyahara  the individual tries to disconnect the sense organs from external stimuli by volitional effort.

If the range of eight AY limbs is lowered in the LD-matrix one more level down on LD-4, so that yama begins in the Earth environment, we get a “social” or commercialized AY, where asanas are performed in order to demonstrate others the abilities of one’s own body, while samadhi simply turns into an inspiring goal at the level “Achievement”.

Image by José Luís from Pixabay.com

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