Signs of the Real
Oleg Bokachov 10.10.2019

By directing “realness” towards man himself, the second sign shows that what was created by nature has yet to be subjected to the influence of a master so that a product more real for man could be born.

The third sign dignifies the product in that it is tailor-made and cannot be used by all people as a second-level product. Since this is a fairly high level, it requires special care and attention to the individual characteristics of its consumer. Therefore, there are currently not many products characterised by all the three signs.

The fourth sign of the Real is meaning. Any symbols on the product point to it — a certain entity that can be understood, even if it is simply flowers or stripes. Any image on the product carries meaning. The more real the product, the higher essence, or meaning, it indicates.

Until quite recently, this knowledge existed in people’s culture. Both clothes and household utensils were decorated with symbols and ornaments. Those represented Rod, the tree of life, time, the mother goddess, the processes of folding and unfolding of the Universe, the hierarchy of worlds and entities in them and were practically the same for many peoples. Such symbols used on products indicated a certain quality of entities and phenomena that either were associated with the person who owned these products or marked him. Similarly, old buildings were decorated with vases and emblems, which served to invite the essence of abundance into the house or to remind one of the house owner’s affiliation to a certain kind of Rod.

In the modern world, knowledge about the deep meanings of ornaments has been lost among ordinary people. Trends of completely opposite nature are present everywhere: clothes carry digital codes and symbols of dark worlds and demonic entities; food is marked with various icons and bar codes that denote something artificial, or the opposite of life: product labels, ingredients, chemical elements, calories, grams, percentages and the like.


Products with all the four signs of the Real harmoniously combined into one whole are increasingly rare, and most of them were produced in the past. These principles are still conveyed to us in legends and epics. Suffice it to recall that each weapon used to be custom made by a master, thus carrying a corresponding countermark; moreover, the weapon was dedicated to a specific purpose and meaning, and even received its own name. The deeper we delve into the past, the more real are the products we meet, and the more numerous and varied they are. This goes to prove that the path of development humanity has followed is not that of humans, with all the necessary parts of it, but instead, of machines and robots, with all the higher functions gradually delegated to them, while the functions retained by man are the lowest ones of consumption and servicing mechanisms.

The product will be empty if it does not have any of the described signs or if all the four signs are not connected in any way.

A product “fake” due to the inconsistency of the signs of the Real can be observed if:

  • The material of the product and the mastery invested in it do not match;
  • The applied skill is not related to the person for whom the product was created;
  • The personality of who the product was made for is not connected with the meaning the product denotes.