Since ancient times, people have known that everything in the world is under the influence of nine great Forces. They are born from a single field of Consciousness, create and permeate all that exists and act as universal laws of all creation. A human being is able to enter into the real of his own consciousness with his attention and approach the sphere where these Forces primarily manifest themselves. He can also awaken them within himself and gradually develop a state of omniscience, which gives a clear understanding of the mechanics of any process and phenomena in this world.
Meditation is one of the ways to awaken the Forces and work with them. Going deep inside ourselves, we gain experience of the Force that interests us and learn to interact with it. Going outside, we apply this experience in our daily life and see and feel how these Forces manifest through other people around us.
- introduction to meditations,
- 9 audio recordings of meditations,
- instruction for practical use,
- brochure.
The materials are only available in Russian.
Image by Julia Chystiakova from Lito-studio.com
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Author | Oleg Bokachov |
Sphere | Development and self-realization |
Type | Audiorecord |
Duration | 3 hours 42 min. |
Date | 01.11.2017 |
Place | Kiev |

You will get access to video recordings of the open sessions with Oleg Bokachov in LiveDevice School. Each session discusses a topic that was relevant at that time. All participants receive answers to their life questions. The total duration is around 2 hours, depending on the number of questions asked. Access is granted via a link for 14 calendar days.
Image by LiveDevice OG
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Author | Oleg Bokachov |
Sphere | Development and self-realization |
Type | Videoseminar |
Duration | approx. 2 hours |
Date | |
Place | Kiev |

Many of us are familiar with the crisis from our own experience. At this seminar, we are talking about why a crisis appears in our life; what role the social system plays in a crisis situation — an assistant or a pest; and why one would eventually need to consciously awaken fear in oneself, even if it seems that there is no apparent danger.
In addition, the listener learns about:
- a key how to break free from crisis;
- a rational methodology for determining the type of crisis and natural approach for avoiding hazards;
- examples of actions in a crisis situation;
- recommendations for awakening controlled fear in oneself and using it as an assistant in personal development;
- step-by-step instructions that will allow to quickly return to a normal state in the most dangerous situations.
Image by grafvision from Shutterstock.com
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Author | Oleg Bokachov |
Sphere | Development and self-realization |
Type | Audioseminar |
Duration | 1 hour 55 min. |
Date | 01.02.2016 |
Place | Minsk |

Do you want to bring luck into your life? Good luck can be felt and discovered in your own sensations. Mastering its power, you can attract the most coveted, useful and unusual gifts into your life. We propose to put into practice seven really effective ways to attract good luck. But just to have the ways to attract good luck is not enough — one needs to know the rules for interacting with it.
At the master class, we will consider:
- how to feel good luck and start attracting it to your life;
- what professional measures and rules for using luck one needs to know;
- what real life examples allow you to initiate good luck in the practical life;
- how can a woman contribute to the appearance of good luck in the life of her man;
- what rules to follow in order to get what you want within acceptable limits without getting carried away.
Take the first step — gain the knowledge of the secrets of the power of luck, and you will learn how to use it.
Image by freepik from Freepik.com
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Author | Oleg Bokachov |
Sphere | Development and self-realization |
Type | Audioseminar |
Duration | 1 hour 51 min. |
Date | 01.03.2017 |
Place | Almaty |

Yoga is a natural ability to perceive knowledge. You will be able to get to know it, open its possibilities and touch its subtle irrational aspects.
What area of knowledge are you most interested in? Formulate a question and direct your attention in the desired course — the experience of subtle bodily sensations will come, and you will be able to find out everything you want. How to penetrate with your attention into the desired areas of knowledge, connect with the object of interest and receive answers to any questions you can learn only with the help of an experienced yoga master.
Oleg Bokachov initiates the awakening and disclosure of natural abilities in students. As a result, during the seminar, you can enter into meditation, in which everyone will have the opportunity to get the knowledge of their past life experiences...
Image by Greg Montani from Pixabay.com
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Author | Oleg Bokachov |
Sphere | Development and self-realization |
Type | Audioseminar |
Duration | 2 hours 56 min. |
Date | 01.03.2016 |
Place | Almaty |

The seminar gives the listener the opportunity to gain knowledge about the purification of his destiny. Purification is the process of liberation from external and internal constraints that hold our life in chains.
It is useful for everyone who would like to gradually let go of all that is bad, complex, untrue in their lives — everything that does not belong to them. Listeners will learn how to get rid of strong negative states of mind, clear themselves of unnecessary and disturbing thoughts, remove unusual emotions or behavioral patterns, eliminate bad body habits and overcome negativity and problems.
Having learned natural purification, one can help others do it, fulfilling each person’s natural duty to his family — to free loved ones from all kinds of difficulties, barriers and restrictions.
Image by Fabrizio Misson from Shutterstock.com
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Author | Oleg Bokachov |
Sphere | Development and self-realization |
Type | Audioseminar |
Duration | 2 hours 46 min. |
Date | 01.04.2016 |
Place | Almaty |

The seminar is about the main thing that shows the key points in raising our children:
- What are the main patterns in the child upbringing and development?
- What is the difference between spiritual, natural and social upbringing?
- How can parents build genuine relationships as an example for their child?
- What are the main guidelines that parents should convey to their children?
- How to see the perspective of their future?
The seminar helps in finding answers to the listener's internal requests — the desire to build or strengthen genuine relationships with their children and realize the meaning of their life.
Image by Dami Wurtz from Pixabay.com
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Author | Oleg Bokachov |
Sphere | Interpersonal relationships |
Type | Audioseminar |
Duration | 2 hours 44 min. |
Date | 01.03.2016 |
Place | Astana |

The seminar gives its listeners a universal method that can be used in relations with any person — anywhere, anytime.
This method will allow you to determine: what is a person’s attitude to you; whether he is the one who can help, or not; how to behave in different situations and at the same time remain yourself. It also gives a universal approach on how to establish happy personal and effective business relationships in a natural way.
When contacting anyone, you will be able not only to determine who plays the leading role in the conversation, but also to become its “observer”. You will see yourself through the eyes of your counterpart — see the essence and nature of his attitude to you. But most importantly, you will learn what you need to do in order to improve communication with the most important, closest and dearest person in your life.
Image by AnnaAzary from Shutterstock.com
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Author | Oleg Bokachov |
Sphere | Interpersonal relationships |
Type | Audioseminar |
Duration | 2 hours 38 min. |
Date | 02.03.2016 |
Place | Almaty |

What is the value of time? Time comments on the course of life. Thanks to the connection between the past, present and future, we move in space.
The future depends on our actions in the present, and actions in the present hangs upon the influence of the past. By leaving traces in the past, we shape the future. But the future is also the liberation of the present from the past. In order to meaningfully get rid of everything that is not ours, we need to know the main criterion.
It is impossible to know the real life if there is no real man in it. What I am in real, how to make the right choice and create a genuine relationship with a real person? The seminar will help to find your main life reference point, to reveal knowledge from the past, light a fire of inspiration in the present and learn how to effectively move into the future.
Image by Thilo Becker from Pixabay.com
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Author | Oleg Bokachov |
Sphere | Development and self-realization |
Type | Audioseminar |
Duration | 8 hours 10 min. |
Date | 01.06.2016 |
Place | Elabuga |

The seminar opens the way for the listener to the knowledge of subtle reality. It takes his hand and leads on a trip to the museum of his own perception of the inner world.
During the tour, you will observe your perception of reality, get acquainted with the laws of the life structure, see your unique qualities among other people, face your imperfections and problems so that among the thousands of answers you can find solutions that are the best in their simplicity.
If you want to not only receive information about the Leading Force in your life, but also subjectively, from your own experience, feel it — welcome to the world of genuine feelings and sensations.
Image by Marisa04 from Pixabay.com
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Author | Oleg Bokachov |
Sphere | Development and self-realization |
Type | Audioseminar |
Duration | 2 hours 21 min. |
Date | 01.07.2016 |
Place | Astana |

Each of us has ancestors. One can feel their invisible presence behind our backs. By maintaining contact with them, we gain spiritual strength that accompanies us through our life.
How to feel this connection? How to get a real experience of contact with them? How to dispel illusory ideas about what they are and what they want from us?
Enter into meditation. Feel their presence. Find out what they are and listen to what they want and how they affect your life. Learn to regard the ancestors correctly, and perhaps, as a result, you will be able to truly interact with them as with a really tangible spiritual force.
Image by ImagesofIndia from Shutterstock.com
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Author | Oleg Bokachov |
Sphere | Spiritual heritage |
Type | Audioseminar |
Duration | 2 hours 56 min. |
Date | 01.08.2018 |
Place | Almaty |

We all grew out of children's problems, received education, climbed the heights of careers, built families, strove for self-realization and thought about spiritual development. Then why do we often find that we are not at the top, but at a dead end, encircled by strangers and doing unloved work?
What to do for our self-development and how to get out of this maze? The first step is to find out what reality we are in and what we are doing in it. The second is to choose the desired direction and the right path forward. The third — as we move along the path of self-development, we should follow the road, guided by the clear signs received from a knowledgeable man.
The cycle of transformational video seminars by Oleg Bokachov "Exit from NOT-..." will be a pointer to your path.
The cycle consists of 6 video seminars, each of them is accompanied by teaching aids and answers to the most frequently asked questions of participants.
Image by Julia Chystiakova from Lito-studio.com
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Author | Oleg Bokachov |
Sphere | Development and self-realization |
Type | Videoseminar |
Duration | 8 hours 44 min. |
Date | 01.05.2019 |
Place | Kiev |