LiveDevice II. Practical Application
Oleg Bokachov 24.12.2023

Continued from chapter LiveDevice I. Basics of the Approach.

The basic LiveDevice matrix brings human measures into a single system, with the help of which we can understand everything within our range of perception — from the fine sphere of consciousness to objects of the material world.

The matrix can help the researcher or analyst to distinguish measures at any level of existence, to compare them with each other, with his body and with the problems being solved.

Representing a universal human being, the matrix equates the concepts of man and humanity: that which solves the problems of an individual in a favourable and useful way is equally favourable and useful for all mankind.

Since the matrix is universal, it is applicable to solve any problems in any area. To do this, it is enough to determine which natural function of an individual relates to the question under consideration. Having a matrix, we determine in advance the level and function of the phenomenon under study. By correctly defining the boundaries of the system to which it belongs, and creating a more detailed specialised matrix, we find a problematic place or the place of interest in it.

When we compare what we know about the natural hierarchy and the correct relationships between the elements of the system with what we observe in it practically, it immediately gives us the opportunity to see positive and negative trends within the system, that is, whether it develops or degrades. Based on the knowledge of the main direction of the system's movement — development or degradation — as well as the patterns identified using the matrix, we are able not only to analyse the present moment, but also to evaluate past and predict future trends. It also allows us to know what corrective action should be taken to steer the situation in the desired direction.

In addition to the full matrix, one can also use its individual scales to determine the level of the problem in the human body and its cause, for example, a reversal of the order, i. e. violation of the hierarchy of neighbouring values. We can also create two-dimensional systems, defined by different values of the same scale or the values of two adjacent scales. In this way, we get the simplest analysis tool, like the Magic Quadrant, widely known among modern analysts.

Thus, with the help of the basic matrix, other analytical tools are easily built, which can be provided for use by researchers working in different fields.

The range of the matrix, as an analytical tool, includes both the most material levels associated with countable elements, and the most abstract levels that a person is nevertheless able to perceive. As an illustration, let's consider two examples from opposite spheres — material and spiritual.


Let us turn to the task of finding a proper place for artificial intelligence (AI) in the life of mankind. Let's call this a “problem”. For diagnostics, we apply the universal matrix, sequentially passing its scales from right to left — from more general to more detailed ones. On each given scale, we will only refine, but not change, the value found on the previous one.

  1. Let us ask ourselves: is this a spiritual or material problem? The obvious answer is — material.
  2. Remaining within the chosen lower part of the whole scale, we ask the subsequent question: is this an internal or external problem? The obvious answer is — external.
  3. Moving on: is this a problem of the body or the property? The answer is — property.
  4. Then: is it an image problem or a result problem? The answer is — result.
  5. The final question: is it a problem of getting something, for example, the necessary data, or giving away, for example, transmission of information? The answer is — both.

Thus, we determine that from the point of view of humanity, the value of AI is the value of the “result” level, the functions of which are to “receive” and “give”. This is not at all the value of “sense” with its functions “understanding” and “perceiving”. This conclusion is important in order not to make the mistake of identifying the functionality of AI — “receive” and “give” — with human abilities to “understand” and “perceive”. Thus, the matrix of universal human measures helps to determine that it would be beneficial and safe for humanity to give AI its rightful place at the level of human value “result” and not to overestimate its significance.

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