I. What is a Worldview
Oleg Bokachov 24.12.2023
A worldview is a person's idea of ​​Truth and the realities illuminated by it.


The state of Western civilization can be assessed as a crisis, and that on a global scale, which is determined by the ever-increasing extent of separation and discord in all areas, but especially in the worldview, as a determinant sphere.

The newest philosophical concepts and the most advanced branches of science, instead of studying the highest destiny of a man, as the very foundation and beginning of the field of knowledge and science, have focused on the study of the post-human world and transhumanism, which promises liberation and immortality by merging the man with the machine and retaining the eternal existence of the individual consciousness within the virtual reality created by the very same individual. Esoteric schools of thought trying to resist these trends do not have strict measures and holistic foundation.

Officially recognized science opposes itself to officially recognized religions. Moreover, it is impossible to find a generally accepted answer to the question of whether philosophy is a science or not. At the same time, the science has tightly tied itself to a matter, as the basis that should explain everything. Further still, with the exception of quantum physics that mentions the observer, it does not recognize his importance for the cognitive process, but practically everywhere and openly serves politics, satisfying the interests of power and business and receiving dividends for it.

Globalization in the economic, political and cultural spheres has established a democracy as the most progressive form of government, and a free market — as the standard for interpersonal relations. Both the democracy and the free market represent the idea of ​​equality of all and exclude from the official worldview the hierarchy and single-source management principles as a source that gives existence to everything, from which all living things originate and into which they all can merge. Thus, all progressive humanity, including the best scientists of our time, historically become hostages to a worldview that excludes the possibility of creating a “Theory of Everything” that is so desired by many.

Briefly, the essence of the problem: at present there is no clear, adequate worldview, which would not have been initially divided into unrelated religions, sciences and philosophy and would be officially recognized by the public as a single system of knowledge for all, that can holistically explain all aspects of human life.


Starting to solve the above mentioned problem, first of all, we must affirm what we know exactly from our direct experience: an individual is both a subject, or observer (spirit) and an object (flesh), and three planes of reality are available to him:

  • the area of ​​higher meanings and thinking;

  • the area of ​​inner experiences and sensations;

  • the area of ​​external objects and actions.

We will call them the higher, inner and outer planes of human reality, respectively.

For a clear understanding of the topic of this article, we need to define what a worldview is. This notion consists of two root words “world” and “view”, so it is obvious that we are talking about a vision that belongs to the higher plane of individual’s thinking. It is as observers that we use our minds to explain and describe all three planes of reality with the help of understanding and subtle vision, distinguishing and juxtaposing them.

When we see something, it is due to the source of light and the surrounding objects from which the light is reflected. In the outer plane of reality, it is sun with its light and the reflecting surfaces of the objects around us that help us to see. In the inner plane, we see inner images owing to the light of our soul — sun of the inner plane. In the higher plane, we see the subtle world with the help of the light of Truth, or, in the words of the ancient European thinkers Socrates and Plato, the Supreme Good.

The outer, inner and higher planes of reality are embedded one into another, like Russian dolls, in the very essence of which is the Truth, or the source of the highest Light.

Light always spreads from a single point, being the sun in the outer plane, our soul inside our body or the higher meaning, or Truth, in the higher plane. In each of the planes, the source is the Highest that exists in it. Truth not only exists in the highest degree by itself, but also gives existence to everything that reflects it, as the sun is the reason for the existence of our Earthly world and everything in it.

In the higher plane, the light of Truth is reflected by the surrounding Darkness itself, which offers the observer a multitude of thoughts and images. In the inner plane, the light of our soul is reflected from denser inner-bodily phenomena — currents of different qualities, sensations, emotions and feelings, which we treat as forces of inner nature. Externally, the visible light of the sun is reflected from the surface of the objects around us.

In the higher plane we are our own mind, and thus able to experience the higher Essence as Truth, which in the denser reality of the inner plane becomes our existence as the soul, which can be expressed by the words: “I exist!” We “descend” into the outer plane with our body, inside which dwells the soul-personality with its formed worldview. There we act among material objects illuminated by the light of the sun.

So, the worldview is our notions about the Truth, it makes everything clearer and explains all three interconnected planes of reality, including our inner picture of the world, given to us in sensations, and all the phenomena of the external life.

Actual Articles
Higher Plane of Reality

Description of the process of thinking that takes place in the higher plane of reality and is aimed at cognition.

II. Worldview Function

Sources of the worldview and its influence on an individual. The importance of a clear definition of terms. The need to restore culture.

III. Return of the Observer into the Process of Cognition

Measure as the criterion of Truth. Virtuality of measures used by modern objective science. The need to return the Observer into the process of cognition.