• Glossary
Darkness is a multitude of elements, and it does not matter what they are; what truly matters is that they are numerous and their number can be considered equal to infinity. There are nine digits that denote higher essences. Everything greater than nine is Darkness, marked by zero, which is added to the main digit. Thus, the ten human fingers and the ten human toes are darkness, and, accordingly, the essence towards which the crown of the head is directed is light. In the human body, between the essence above the head and the tip of the finger or toe, there will be nine connections, and everything that goes beyond the tips of the fingers and toes is darkness. This all means Light and Darkness are the concepts of the subject of human nature and they are higher entities, like his Father and Mother. Then, if we swap the syllables of “t’-ma” and read it as “ma-t’”, the etymology becomes clear as “T’ma” (“Darkness”) means “To mat’” (“that is Mother”). Darkness is the great Mother, and we, her children, receive all necessary forms from her. In those forms, we dress ourselves and our products, which we exchange in society. Meanwhile, we receive light, or essence, from Father.
Debt means obligation. The Russian word for debt, “dolg” contains the root “lg”. Russian “l’gota” (“benefit”) is derived from Old East Slavic ”l’gkyj” (“easy”) and means “until ease” — till the time when things get easier. The one lending an asset is a creditor, derived from Latin “credo” (“faith”), and the other one is a debtor, saved from trouble. The creditor believes that the debtor, when things get easier for him, will fulfil the conditions stipulated by the agreement. Therefore, the creditor’s debt, or duty, is his trust in the debtor, while the debtor’s debt, or duty, is his obligation to the creditor. Originally, debt was understood in two senses — towards God and towards the Head of society we belong to, be it the father in our family or the founder of the company we work for. According to the law of God, “as the Heavenly Father gave us, his children, light when we were in hardship, so we, his faithful children, must continue his light and help those who are having hard times.” Our debt to the Head — God’s viceroy on Earth — is to be responsible to him for our actions and activities. We must represent our Head with who we are. To create a low-quality product is to disgrace the Head of our community, family, clan or company. Over time, most people essentially become atheists, making their Heads controlled by and subordinate to the majority. There were those who gave money the meaning of God’s light, turned it into a commodity, brought its production under their control and began to loan it at interest, involving the government as the guarantor of this agreement. In our time, this practice has become a norm and spread catastrophically, affecting the consciousness and wellbeing of not only people, but also entire countries. As a result, the word “debt” has now only a negative connotation, even though initially, it was meant to remind us about the Higher matters.
Decentralisation is the principle of equality, or equal rights, according to which people, or the elements of the system, are united by a certain abstract entity, recognised by them as the force that is leading them. This force may be the feeling of freedom, love, unity, harmony, national or any other kind of identity. In other systems, not related to interpersonal relationships, this law can be called the principle of harmony, where the centre is implicit and not marked directly, resulting in the elements of the system combining to produce a pleasant, balancing and calming effect. This principle is employed in such areas as visual art, architecture and design. According to the LiveDevice system of measures of the human body, the principle of decentralisation rules in the external, social reality. Its opposite is the principle of centralisation, which is placed higher in the hierarchy of principles of rule since it governs the internal, or natural, reality.
The concept of degradation is formed by combining the prefix “de-” as “down” and the Latin root word “gradior”, meaning “to walk”. In addition, there is the prefix “di-”, meaning “two” or “split”. Therefore, unification is a movement towards the Highest, the One, whereas degradation is the movement towards the lower, multiple.
Russian “zavisimost’” is translated into English as “dependence” or, according to how the word sounds, where it originally comes from, “suspension”, “being suspended, hanging”. This is a state of being under something or someone “visyashcheye” (“suspended”, “hanging”), which sounds like and, thus, means “vyssheye” (“higher, higher-order, influencing from above”). This situation can be considered either negative if one depends on something or someone that limits his development, or positive if one depends on the person who develops him. Therefore, dependence can have a connotation of regret or happiness, even though, nowadays, most people regard the word as negative, something that must be avoided at all times. However, since it is impossible not to depend on anything, it is sensible to choose to depend on what develops, rather than limits one. An attempt to avoid all kinds of dependence usually results in dependance on something uncertain, muddy, not defined, not clear and, therefore, not light, even if it is dependence on oneself — an undeveloped personality, who will remain undeveloped unless he consciously comes under the influence of a more developed person, depending upon whom will develop him.
The concept of development (“razvitiye” in Russian) is derived from two roots: Russian “raz-” as “one” and “-vitiye” as “vita”. “Vita” means life, while “one” is something important, first, higher and essential. Development is life winding around to help and support something supreme. Development occurs when life devotes itself — sacrifices itself — to the main essence, whose reason and sake it was born for.