• Glossary
Rationality (from the lat. ratio — mind) is a term which, in its broadest sense, means reasonableness, meaning, and the opposite of irrationality. In a more specialist sense, this is a characteristic of knowledge in terms of its correspondence to certain principles of thinking, when logic is based on a certain measure — an essence or a permanent constant that determines the system in which the logic of inference, conclusion or decision is developed. Rationality is associated with such concepts as expediency (correspondence to the image of a goal or an essence) or validity (the presence of a permanent constant).
“Nastoyashcheye” (“real”) is something meaningful, carrying an essence, a meaning, within itself. “Stoyashcheye na” implies a thing standing on something existing in reality and tried and tested in numerous ways so that there is no doubt about it. There is no doubt that natural phenomena are real. Doubt can arise about something manufactured by man. He could obtain something from nature, which would be “nastoyashcheye”, or real, so the first sign of the Real is that it must be made from natural components. If what has been obtained from nature has been processed by man in such a way that it has gained additional features and qualities, it is characterised by the second sign of the Real — the object’s creation requiring mastery. A thing that is not only useful or beautiful, but is also made for a particular person and indicates his unique virtues is characterised by the third sign and degree of the Real. Finally, if, in addition to everything listed above, the master imbues his product with a higher meaning or his product leads the consumer to a certain higher meaning, making him contemplate the meaning of life or something sublime, this is the fourth sign and degree of the Real.
Russian “real'nost'” (“reality”) consists of the roots “real’” and “nosit’” (“to carry”). In turn, the root “real’” can be divided into “re” and “al’”. “Re” means “back”, “to return”, “again”, “to repeat” and so forth. “Al’”, translated from Ancient Greek, means “divine”, “heavenly”, “subtle”. Therefore, “real’nost’” — reality — means a constantly repeating carrier, or medium, of divine origin. Reality can also be called actuality — from Latin “realis”, meaning “actual”, “factual” or “material”, which points to the purpose of reality as something in which action needs to be taken. In other words, if we can act inside something, we will be in the reality of it. For example, if we can act within a certain structure or organisation of people, we will speak about the reality of the organisation. If we can act in the scientific sphere, we will speak about the reality of the world of science. This means that if we want to perform a particular act, we need to be certain as to which reality we will be acting in. To define the main types of reality, we use the LiveDevice approach. According to our approach, each natural phenomenon has its place in the range of the natural scale — the height of the human body. We mark three segments on this scale: three realities of divine origin, which let the human, the subject, act and obtain the desired result: 1. The higher reality — of thinking — gaining the knowledge and dignity. 2. The inner reality — of feeling — gaining the inner strength and skills. 3. The external reality — of action — gaining the material wealth and image. Like an act, a problem can only exist in one of the three realities, and it must be solved using the means that correspond to the given reality. It cannot be solved using the means of another reality.
A ritual is a sequence of actions in the service of God, who is the Higher entity, or offering to higher forces. At the same time, we know such words as “rhythm”, “rhetoric” and “criticism”, which all contain similar sounding roots “rhyt”, “rhet” and ”rit”. This essentially means “a sequence” or “a flow” of one after another, constituting a certain process. But when we say “ritual”, the ending “al” means “divine”, “heavenly”, “subtle”. Thus, “a ritual” is a sequence of actions intended for the higher, heavenly, subtle.
The term “Rod” is not so easy to translate from Russian as its meaning in other cultures has been forgotten to an even greater extent and the corresponding words are almost out of use or have lost their original meaning. “Rod” — the English meaning “bloodline” — is included in such words as “rodnoy” — native, “rodina” — fatherland, “rody” — childbirth. The word could have originated from the ancient root “ord”, meaning “grow”, “rise”, or from “orthos” — “upright”, “one that has stood up, risen”. It is also known that Rod is the Slavic God, the creator of the world and the father of the first generation of the light Godfathers; he is the first Cause of all causes, the founder and essence of the universe, the one who created the Light and the Darkness. In German, the root has been preserved in such terms as “roden”, “ausroden” or “Rod” in the sense of “trunk”, “axis”; and in English, as “rod” in the meaning of “a symbol of power or force” or in “a lightning rod”. This meaning is also directly associated with the term “family tree”. In this understanding, the question, “What kind of Rod are you?” acquires the meaning of “What kind of God are you?”, which also shows the existence of many gods, headed by the chief one — the human Rod. Therefore, we take the meaning “Rod” as God, Spirit, who, on the gross plane, manifests himself in his representative — man. This also explains the notion of the patrimonial structure of the family or state, where the man continues his Rod (his God) or the King — the vicar of God (the Rod) on the Earth, the representative of the supreme God.