• Glossary
In Russian, the concept of sacrifice (“zhertva”) is also reflected in the concepts “zhertvennost'” as “sacrifice” or “selflessness”, “samopozhertvovaniye” as “self-sacrifice”, “zhertvoprinoshenie” as “offering”, and in the expressions as “poiti na zhertvy” as “make sacrifices” or “prinesti v zhertvu” as “to sacrifice something”. The root of this word is also present in the concepts of Russian “zhernova” as “millstones”, “zhrat” (or “zherti” in Ukrainian) as “devour”, as well as the related concepts of “zhrets” as “priest” and “zhrechestvo” as “priesthood”. In fact, a sacrifice is someone (or something) that either consciously gives themselves up to a stronger or higher being, or is forcibly taken away from someone. A person who offers a sacrifice or knows how to perform a sacrifice to a higher being is called a priest. The priest sacrifices himself to his superior and, being in his service, brings him everything the superior orders to, or what is willingly given to him as a gift. What has been given as a gift or given away for free is also a sacrifice. To sacrifice and give as a gift is the same. In our works, we deal with sacrifice exclusively as a conscious and voluntary act of sacrifice or self-sacrifice, and never as violence. The one to whom the sacrifice is offered becomes stronger, in the same way as a creature feels an increased strength after eating. Thus, food intake is also a fact of accepting sacrifice.
Service is sacrificing oneself and one’s interests for the sake of a higher something or someone. “A higher something” is either the eternal essence from the higher world, or a moving subtle entity from a subtle world. Therefore, service is sacrificing oneself for a certain subject, embodied or not, which the person considers superior to himself and which either leads him into a higher quality of life, towards a higher meaning or constitutes a meaning for him in itself. In any case, whether consciously or not, a person sacrifices himself for the sake of a certain essence, entity or creature even if he is simply working for a company in an office. Russian “sluzheniye” (“service”) is related to Russian “luzha” (“a puddle”), “lozhe” (“a lodge, a bed, a box”), “lozhka” (“a spoon”) and “lozh’” (“a lie”), which all denote something empty or hollow — where something needs to be placed or inserted. When a person has gone to serve something or someone, he consciously signals to his superior that he is empty in relation to him and ready to take in or channel his will.
Single source
Single source is the principle of the arrangement or construction of a system or structure. The Principle of Single source exists in the Solar system, the nervous system and, accordingly, in the system of the whole organism, the living cell and even the atom. Virtually all the living things are built on the basis of this principle, which, in its essence, expresses the nature of light. Light is always born from a point — a source, while darkness emanates from everywhere — from a multitude. Thus, the principle of Single source is the principle of the source, the Light. By contrast, the principle of pluralism, also known as the principle of equality, is the principle of multiplicity, the Darkness. Structures designed on the principle of Light are complete, centralized and often hierarchical. Structures designed on the principle of Darkness are chaotic or strictly regular, but dead, such as a ball, a cube, or a polyhedron.
A source is an emanating point. This concept shares the root with the word “istina” (“the truth”), denoting the emission of a certain force from a point. As a consequence, an emanating point is always an entity, or spirit, be it an entity of a spring, producing clear water, or an entity of a firefly, producing light at night. An environment can be the reason for something but cannot be the source because it constitutes a multitude and is, therefore, absorbing, not emanating. The Sun is a source as it emits a force from a point. Light always comes from a point, whereas darkness always comes from everywhere and, thus, it does not have a source. When we say “a source”, we normally imply either light, or certain good, coming from a light entity as a gift.
The Spirit is a “volitant essence”, moving in the element of Air, having a light and mobile density, similar to the wind.
Status determines either the position or the state of the object. A position can be determined within a certain centralized or hierarchical structure. A state is characterized in a certain range of internal or external capabilities of an object or system at a specific point in time. An example of a position may be the post of an employee in an organization, an example of a state — the condition of a patient in the course of treatment. The concept of status is applicable only if there is a reference point in the structure or range.
Subject (Observer)
A subject is an active self-aware entity, a soul, which does not only view itself as separate from the external world, but also separate from its own states, regarding them as an object. The concept is derived from Latin “subjectum” and essentially claims that all that exists has a living essence — spirit. A human being, more than any other creature, be it an animal or a plant, can be aware of himself as an entity, spirit and a soul. There is hardly any studying of the subject done by the modern materialistic science, and what is more, the subject is not recognized as its main constituent, without which science itself becomes pointless. Building experiments starting with the subject onwards, or in other words, receiving knowledge through direct experience of the subject, his insights and sensations, will allow science to serve humanity, rather than make the human a slave to machines and computers, as it is happening now.
The concept of a subordinate person has the right to exist only if there is a superior to whom personally or into whose structure comes to help the one who will be subordinate. This concept is especially relevant for intergender relations, where a man naturally acts as superior, and a woman — subordinate. In the case of matriarchal relationships, none of the participants clearly designates a woman as a superior, since her managing of the man is a manipulative act, which neither of the parties is consciously aware of. In organized structures of people, such notions as knowledge, experience, skills and other qualities are more important in determining the status of a subordinate or superior, while the role of gender remains of secondary significance.
A superior is a person who, in a relationship, is either closer to the center — for a centralized structure — or higher in level — for a hierarchical structure. In both cases, our definition only implies a voluntary nature of the relationship between individuals or an individual and a structure of people. Applying to any organization to be accepted into the structure, one will acquire a superior to follow and obey. An alternative to the concepts superior and subordinate in interpersonal relationships is equality. However, equal relationships cannot be natural. Left to their own accord, they will not be able to exist for a long time. To ensure stability and longevity, equal relationships must always be regulated by a third party, superior to both. This automatically entails that without a superior, a relationship is impossible in principle.
A system is a multitude united by some essence (spirit). Since any essence is of light origin and has consciousness as its inherent property, it introduces order into many elements, which, as a result, are organized around this essence and for it. Each system is a separate world, subordinated to its sun — essence (spirit). Thus, a system is an ordered set of auxiliary elements for the sake of the main one, which has the quality of essence and is the beginning, source, cause and meaning of the system.
System analysis
A system is a set of elements ordered by essence. Translated from Greek, “analysis” means “decomposition” or “dissolution”. Consequently, system analysis is the decomposition of the system into its components to its very essence. System analysis is applied to understand systems and find the optimal solution to a particular problem or task.