The essence of man, that resolves the dispute in science
Oleg Bokachov 24.12.2023


The three levels of the human self — the true Self, the false self and the dense self — correspond to three planes of human reality:

  • the higher, giving knowledge of the eternal supra-human laws of the universe;
  • the inner, giving knowledge of subtle and dense natural forces that an individual can master and begin to apply in his life;
  • the outer, giving knowledge about the world of objects and statistical regularities.

In accordance with these three planes, there must exist three spheres of science, constituting an integral hierarchical system, in which the sphere of objective science is subordinated to the sphere of natural sciences, and the latter — to the sphere of science of higher principles.


In striving for “scientific objectivity”, officially recognised science has consciously separated itself from religion and philosophy and categorically limited itself to the material sphere alone. The observer was excluded from the process of cognition and declared an almost random result of the evolution of matter. Matter received the status of an absolute gauge, supposedly accessible for perception and objective verification by almost any individual — provided that the necessary technical devices are available for this.

As a consequence, adherents of materialistic science can only try to explain the phenomena of a non-materialistic nature by material causes. If this does not work, they deny them. If they can't be denied, they are simply ignored. But, since every materialist, in fact, is himself a cognising observer and experiences this fact directly on himself, he has a cognitive dissonance that forces him to deal with the observer inconsistently by denying, ignoring and trying to explain him with material reasons — all at the same time.

At this very time the successors of the old idealistic school, although currently in the minority, continue to conduct their scientific and practical work aimed at returning the observer into the process of cognition.

The interaction between these two quantitatively far from equal camps still remains problematic. The main claim presented by materialists to idealists is that a worldview based on subjective experience allegedly leads to a loss of objectivity in the cognition of truth. The main claim of idealists to materialists is that through a worldview based on matter as absolute truth, we deny ourselves as a soul and, in fact, betray the One who created us. With this article, we would like to propose a solution to the problem of antagonism between materialistic and idealistic concepts.

Actual Articles
Higher Plane of Reality

Description of the process of thinking that takes place in the higher plane of reality and is aimed at cognition.

I. What is a Worldview

The crisis of the worldview. The need for a clear and holistic worldview that unites religion, science and philosophy. The individual's main choice.

II. Worldview Function

Sources of the worldview and its influence on an individual. The importance of a clear definition of terms. The need to restore culture.